British MPs place bets on Grand National for BGC charity event

With the Grand National coming up soon, the BGC took the opportunity to support local charities and good causes.

Over 50 MPs from UK Parliament took part in a Betting and Gaming Council (BGC) charity event.

The BGC organised for each MP to visit a local betting shop, either a chain brand such as Paddy Power, William Hill or Ladbrokes, or an independent one like JenningsBet and Corbett Bookmakers.

The MPs would place a £50 ($63) bet on the Grand National, which is held annually at Aintree, Liverpool.

All of the winnings will go to a charity of the MP’s choice, and if the horse doesn’t come in, the BGC will make a £250 donation to the charity themselves.

Michael Dugher, Betting and Gaming Council CEO (but soon to move to Chair), said: “Millions of us from all different backgrounds will once again come together to watch the Grand National and have a flutter on the world’s most famous horserace.

“It is an occasion like no other and demonstrates once again sport’s unique ability to bring the whole nation together.”

During the visits, the MPs also discussed the latest safer gambling measures put in place to protect customers.

Last year, this event raised just under £11,000 for charity and good cases.

Dugher continued: “Betting shops support tens of thousands of jobs, bring vital revenue to the UK’s hard-pressed high streets, and support the national and local economies through tax and business rates.

“They also provide vital community for millions of betting and gaming fans.

“I also want to say a huge thanks to the many MPs who have made the time and effort to meet with their local constituents working in high-street shops; for supporting so many good causes and local charities and for promoting the Grand National, which remains one of Britain’s biggest and best cultural and sporting events seen around the world.”

This comes just after the latest BGC event, where Dugher insisted: ‘

Let’s shape changes to our industry

… not just accept them.’